Marvel's Avengers confirms when the next update will be

It seems that the next patch for Marvel surges will be launched next week. It is not clear exactly what could be included in the new update, or how large it could be, but the latest significant update of Marvel in December 2021 included updates of everything, from the user interface to combat and significant changes in Discount Sound RAID.

The news of the imminent update comes through what seems to be a response from a representative of Crystal Dynamics on Twitch. We know we have work to do and hate when people find mistakes and problems, says the response of late last week. We plan to continue solving problems as we can, as often as possible. There is a patch next week that will address some things and, from the launch, we have updated an average of approximately once every two weeks ».


Historically, the patches for Veneers of Marvel usually leave early in a given week. If there is indeed a patch that will be launched next week, it is most likely to happen on Tuesday, January 18. Anyone can guess exactly what could be included in it, but it seems fair to assume that at least will address some protruding problems and errors of the video game.

As it was pointed out earlier, the new MARVEL VENDORS The patch is expected at some point next week. Do wonder Veg adores, Editor Square Enix and the Crystal Dynamics developer, is more widely available for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X | S, Xbox One, PC and Google Stadia. The DLC of Spider-Man for Marvel was released at the end of last year, while the great expansion Black Panther, officially called Expansion of Marvel's Avengers: Black Panther — War by Wakanda, launched in August 2021. You can consult all our Previous coverage of the Marvel brand title here.

Have you still been playing? Avails from Marvel? Are you waiting for what you can include the next patch? Let us know in the comments, or feel free to communicate and contact me directly on Twitter in @rollinbishop to talk about everything related to games!
