Location of each rare pokemon by region in Pokémon Legends: Arceus

Rare pokemon appear in a significantly limited number of areas with low spawning speed. Each region of Pokémon Legends: Arceus requires a thorough study, but the emergence of these creatures in the wild is predictable. To find them, you need to fight or use objects such as Scatter Bang to remove unnecessary Pokemon from those interested in areas, and then rest until the day or night when a new party can be reborn. Each pokemon appears with a certain frequency depending on other Pokemon, which appear there, the time of day and weather.

Markers on the maps below correspond to rare coocyons, as they are numbered. The lists are pokemon, their location, notes on the entrance to Pokédex and catching tips.

Rare Pokemon in Obsidian fields

  1. Pich
    • Located in the valley between the hill of aspiration and the crater of Lake Beliti. If nothing appears, it is best to leave the region and return.
    • Catch two days until they sleep to instantly get ten sectors.
    • Pich is small, so you can wove your fly. Sweep and use Ultra Ball.
  2. Happiness
    • Located north of Grantri Arena, above the stone tunnel.
    • Catch, not being noticed. You can get rid of machines so that they do not stole the food that you give Heppini before catching it.
    • Try using Jet Ball from afar.
  3. Manchlax
    • Located on the slopes between the winds taken by the wind and the deer path, it is more common in the afternoon.
    • Give him food from the grass or the slope at the top, see how it uses rest in battle, or catch two to move in your goal in Pokédex.
    • Could run in battle. Clean this place on the slope, and then relax between the day and night to revive.
  4. Chimchar and also Montferno
    • Located in Dirtrek Hights, more often in the morning in sunny and cloudy weather.
    • Clean Staravia, drive Starly and feed Chimchar and Monferno to quickly fill in their Pokédex records.
    • Use Gigaton ball or loosen in battle False Swipe and Hypnosis receptions before using Ultra Ball.
    • Wild Infernape is available on the island of Ramanas after reaching Basculegion.
  5. Tageeks
    • Burst with reactive balls. With Virradir or Braviary, get to the highest point of the crater surrounding Lake Beliti in the West. You will have to go past many LuxRay and clear Staraptor to correctly aim on the Togekiss, which flies high in a circle.
    • Direct the ball to the point in the air. Taegeiss flies closest to you, but also flies to you. Throw the ball at once as soon as TaekiSt flights over your aiming cursor.
    • If the Tageisse breaks out of the ball, throw another jet ball into it, as soon as it comes out with a scream. Do not move the cursor after the first throw and quickly calculate the time of the second.

Rare Pokemon in Bagger Swamps

  1. Turntal as well as Grottle
    • Located at the pond in the southern part of the buzzing meadow, it is more common in the afternoon.
    • Spicy grass and feed them before catching them not see them to quickly fill these Pokédex records.
    • Use Gigaton Balls from the grass.
    • Wild cage is available in Holm of Trials after achieving Basculegion.
  2. Barbea
    • Located by the river in the south of the pipe meadow.
    • Feed it several times to complete the Pokédex recording after capturing.
    • Either use it in battle and loosen before using ultraball, or try using the ultrashar outside the battle. Barboach is slightly small for efficient Fly Balls.
  3. Togetik
    • Located in Cotton Strait.
    • Like Tagekes in Obsidian fields, use timely Jet Balls and catch three to instantly complete Pokédex.
    • Togardi is also available among white colors and Pachiris, which you may have to be eliminated if you decide to look for this rarely occurring Pokemon. Togardi is also available in cobalt coasts described below.
  4. Bonsley
    • Located to the west of the diamond settlement, the probability of appearance under fog conditions is higher.
    • Give the Bonlsy food five times and catch several times to fill it with the record in Pokédex. You can also see how it uses facial expressions in battle.
    • Sweep and catch the bonsley from behind with Gigaton Ball.

Rare Pokemon on the cobalt coast

  1. Togardi
    • Located in the lagoon of swimsters, you can find at least one Togati about 80 percent of cases when you return here from the camp in the sandy limit. This is the most reliable way to find Togardi.
    • Togepi will see you from afar and run away, so you will definitely distract it with food, hide in the grass or use the stealth spray until you searcate enough to use Gigaton Ball or try Jet Ball.
    • You can catch Togardi with his best character so that it turns into a powerful Taekessa for your team.
  2. Vulpix
    • The initial Cantonese form of Vulpix rarely appears on Cape Weilstone.
    • You can try to catch more than one or see how it uses Ember in battle to fill out its Pokédex record.
    • Hide in the grass and throw a gigaton or jet, distracting it with food.
  3. Magby
    • Located on the island of Firespit, usually surrounded by Magmara if it appears. Win Magmara to clear the way.
    • Feed Magby five times, catch it unnoticed or see how it uses the flame wheel in battle to fill out his writing in the seam.
    • Magby will try to escape, and you have no place to hide. You can use a smoke checker, feed it to distract, or throw a stunning object.
  4. Piplap and also prinline
    • PIPLUP and Prindlap are located on the banks of Aylspi, in the pond to the east of the coast of Islespi, on the hill.
    • Feed Piplup to quickly complete your Pokédex recording, and use a smoke checker if you can't hide in the grass to catch it surprise.
    • PRINPLUP is rare, and you can fill it on Pokédex recording, without catching it here. Perhaps it is better to develop a piplapa, unless you are looking for a "lively intelligence".


rare pokemon in the mountains crown

  1. Chervi
    • Perhaps among the most complex Pokemon, which you can track down in the game, Celebre rarely can be found jumping with blue shaking trees around various sources in this region. Cherrim, its developed form, will jump from these few shaking trees in 75% of cases.
    • You have to fight, and Cherubi can run. However, it is at a fairly low level so that you can capture it with Ultra Ball. You can use a strong pokemon, fast enough to cause drowsiness or use False Swipe. Unfortunately, in Pokémon Legends: Arceus No Quick Balls.
  2. Gerakross
    • Located in the Zavudovy Forest, coming to the north, and on the sound trail - these are the only places where you can find Gerakross, jumping from trees and to Earth.
    • If you are the Pokédex Triple, you will need to see how Gerakross jumps from the tree 15 times, and this is a time-consuming task. But this can give an ultrasound chance to meet a brilliant Gerakross, whose gold color version is ideal for a prize beetle.
  3. Eleid
    • Located on the passage of cloud hats, the electride appears rarely. Like Magby, this pokemon is surrounded by its evolving forms, and in this snow-covered valley there is nowhere to hide. Destroy the surrounding Pokemon, trying to stay unnoticed for Elekid.
    • Use smoke checkers and feed it with meals ten times to complete the entrance to Pokédex.
  4. Roth
    • The mouth rarely appears on the sacred square, floating on the ground or inside the shaking box.
    • Throw Jet Ball to it until it sees to fill it in Pokédex.
  5. Clef
    • Cleff rarely can be found from a fabulous source surrounded by Clefirei and Alpha Clefabe.
    • Try to enter the grass so that they do not notice, or clean a little glue if you need before feeding Cleff for the seam.
    • Use Gigaton Ball or Jet Ball so that he does not notice it.

Rare Pokemon in Alebastra Iceland

  1. Hisuian Zorua
    • Hisuan Zorua is in the wisdom of bone frosts in the deepening underground.
    • It will be difficult to keep him from noting you, so use a stealth spray or throw a jet ball from under the shelter of the smoke checker. Feed it to enter Pokédex.
  2. Riolu
    • Riolu appears in the area called Ice Falls. It is best to clean the surrounding Pokemon before focusing on Riol.
    • Use proven capture tactics - efficient secrecy and strategic battle.
    • Catch a few to complete the record Pokédex, or find one with the best character to develop the strongest Lukario.

If you know what kind of luck can be in Pokemones, then you can estimate the amount of time spent on the search for a specific monster. But we are here to make it as quickly as possible. Do not forget to use markers on the map not to waste time. Think about your stealth and struggle and catching strategy.

If it comes to battle, do you have a good pokemon with a False Swipe reception, which always leaves the opponent at least 1 HP? Can you cause such effects as drowsiness or paralysis? Follow with enough Gigaton, Jet and Ultra Balls, as well as invisible sprays and mud balls, spoiled apricots and plenty of cakes and berries. Good luck! To learn more about Pokémon Legends: Arceus, check out the section "How to Create Allone Sakes in Pokémon Legends: Arceus".
