Dofus Touch: Xelor Terre guide and stuff, Dofusbook

The Xelor Terre on Dofus Touch benefits from a fairly complete spell kit. This guide will help you choose your Xel Terre stuff depending on your level. If you want to change class, you will find everything you need on our global guide to the Dofus Touch classes.

Renière update: May 2022


Guide to stuff his xelor earth on dofus touch

Remember that, if you have subscribed to an Elite pack, you can reset your statistics between each fight. Adapt your stats to your stuff and your goal, always favoring force , then vitality.

The Xélor enjoy playing all the elements. Its stats are however more interesting to take on fire or earth. Some will go so far as to take wisdom to play PA withdrawal.

To play your Xelor Earth on Dofus Touch, you are advised to go up up to 250 points in force . Then, adapt your statistics by increasing for example your vitality.

Regarding spells, some will be up to level 6 as soon as possible. Others will have to mount level 2, 3, or 4, or even not to go up.

Main spells (level 6) Teleportation - blur - flight of time - Broken - Devotion - Leakage - Mummification - Xélor strike

Secondary spells Liberation - Flamiche - Cawotte - slowdown - Taking up - frostbing - Xélor hourglass - temporal dust - Demotivation - against - Xélor dial - Raulebaque

If you don't play Dofus Touch , this guide also exists for Dofus and Retro Dofus.


Level 20

Level 30

Level 40

Level 50

Level 60

Level 70

Level 80

Level 90

Level 100

Level 110

Level 120

Level 130

Level 140

Level 150

Level 160

Level 170

Level 180

Level 190

Level 199

Level 200

With the 1.54 update in early 2022, the panoplic and object bonuses 1 to 200 have been improved. Thus, several items have become much more important and interesting for your stuff.

Level 20

Stuff Xelor Terre LVL 23

Anneau du piou yellow fortifying rings amulet from the yellow piourophyle chop chop piou yellow shield from the tourist agency cape du piou yellow belt of the yellow hats of the piou yellow dofawa

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Level 40

Stuff xelor land lvl 43

Nanneau de Bouze Le Clerc Force de Crocoburio Amulet Du Bouftou Hammer of the Bouftou Boufbottes Boucklier from the Tourist Cape Bouffante Cape Bouftou Coiffe du Bouftou Dofawa

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Level 60

Stuff xelor earth lvl 60

_Blopanneau Reinette Gelano Dés de la Chance Arc in abraknyde root geta aerdala shield from jules yanos green turtle belt tromatizing mask rampage minor minor minor minor minor examiner dofus cawotte minor dragodind plum and purple plum and purple

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Level 80

Stuff xelor earth lvl 80

_Blopanneau Reinette Royal Gelano Amublop Reinette Royale Arc In Racine of Abraknyde Bloptes Royal Reinette Pandawa Shield Cape of Jules Yanos Powerful Fulgurating Celebrate Tromatizing Mask Saccular Terring Machine Fumale Mineur Mineur Dofus Cawotte Cawotte Mineur Dragodind and Plum.

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Level 110

Stuff xelor land lvl 114

_Anneau ancestral gelano ancestral torque pink claw ancestral shot protective porclier ancestral abracapa ancestral abracy ancestral turbulent traveler dofus cawotte frenzied examiner dragogodind plum and purple__

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Level 140

Stuff xelor land lvl 143

Anneau du Meulou Gelano La Meulette Hache of the Warrior Zoth Meulou Boots Aerdala Cape Du Meulou Celeture of the Meulou Helmet of the Turbulent Traveler Dofus Cawotteer Cawotter Crazy Examinator Dracodindus Plum and Purple

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Level 150

Stuff xelor land lvl 158

Gelano Mandrano The Boot of the Warrior Zoth Meulou Boots Derma Tho Cape Du Meulou Belt of the Meulou Voodoo Mask Thierry Major Traveler Major Dofus Cawotte Major Paralysis Dracule Dracode Prune and Purple

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Level 170

Stuff xelor land lvl 173

Veranneau Gelano Amulet Cætera Hache of the Warrior Zoth Shopping Shush Shushkebab Capikténia Meulou Mask Vaudou Thierry Major Traveler Dofus Cawotte Major Parariblijaire Décurbale Dracodinde Plum and Purple

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Stuffs for a Xelor Terre Thl on Dofus

The Xélor on Dofus Touch is very simple. No teleportations or in telefrags in all directions here, only almost vanilla Xel. Slightly revised compared to Dofus Retro, the class, keeps access to the four elementary tracks. Better still, a fifth is added, in mainly PVP: PA withdrawal. Yes, no matter the version of the game, there are things that don't change!

Level 190

At this level, you have two essential panoplies: the Brouce and the Kolosso . The choice is no longer as limited, even allowing to take necrotic objects. Obviously, you will also have access to the ink veil, offering strength, PO and resistances.

The links

Stuff xelor land lvl 193

_Anneau de Kolosso Gelano MEULETTE NECROTICAL ASTRIER OF DU WARRIER NECTO BOOTS Fungal shield NECROTIC CAPE KOLOSSO KOLOSSO CHEFFE DE MAJOR CHAPORTER DOFUS Turquoise Furgrium Major Major Paragus Dracodindus plum and purple

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Level 200

As with other levels, opt for a stuff suitable for your budget . Adopt at least one of each category (damage, ret or survival, 12/5) to be as effective as possible. In addition, with a small starting sum, it is also quite possible to evolve as you go. Start with a set of lowcost equipment, do some quests, add items and get objects over time to make variants. As a player without too much income, do not sell your stuff! They can serve you later, or in variants.

_ explanations _

Here you can find sets with several possibilities to be adapted according to your desires for withdrawal or damage. Nothing prevents you from adding exos, withdraw, replace a PA item, etc. Again, do not rest in a single set to win all the fights and build your own library of objects.

The links

Stuff Xelor Terre LVL 200

Anneau de Brouce Gloursonne Ring Amulet of the unspeakable daggers erhy Boots of Bookmark Ventaille indescribable Cape Cape Brouse Abyssal Coiffing Dofus Ocre Traveler Dofus Turquoise Major paralysis Dofus Dofus Purple Dofus Doftre in Armor

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